Massage Therapy


Registered Massage Therapy is a modality that works with the joints and soft tissues of the body, helping to release tension and soreness, prevent injury, recover from injury, and correct alignment. With over 2500hrs of training in anatomy, pathology, remedial exercise, and hands-on treatment, you can feel safe in the hands of an RMT. Sessions take place on a massage table. You will privately get undressed to your level of comfort, and then lie down and cover up on the table. The therapist will then enter, only uncovering the parts of the body being works on – back of legs, front of legs, back, neck, shoulders, and arms. Glutes, abdomen, and chest are considered sensitive areas, and will be treated only if intervention is required and full consent is obtained, and the utmost care will be taken with draping to respect your privacy. This is a hands on modality, with lotion being used to aid in muscle manipulation. Though discomfort may be felt in areas of tension, it is important to remember that Massage Therapy should not be a painful experience. I has over 4 years of experience in this field, with a growing number of returning clients every month!

Massages are also available in the Salt Room, and you can experience and Massage and Floatation Therapy combination treatment! Please call Salt Therapy at 519-433-5500 to book your appointment.

Pricing (not including HST):

30 Minute $50

45 Minute $65

60 Minute $80

75 Minute $95

90 Minute $110

60 Minute Salt Room $110

30 Minute Massage and 30 Minute Float $120
